Bye Acne Device by Solawave and How to Use

Disclaimer: this product was gifted to me by Solawave and BeautyTap in exchange for an honest review.

Solawave has made a name for themselves with their LED treatment that combats redness and wrinkles, but have you heard about the other device they offer to treat acne? This video is me talking more about the Bye Acne Device, and how to use it. I was very pleasantly surprised by this, and found that my pimples healed within three days of treatment. It was especially great for pimples that feel painful and haven’t reached the surface yet, but you can still feel it beneath the surface. I found using this helped prevent them from surfacing. It’s perfect for people like me who tend to get scattered pimples wherever. Although I found it slightly tricky to use on the nose. It’s also completely pain free!

[Video transcription: Let’s talk about the Solawave Bye Acne Treatment today. I re-I really, really love this product. Um competitors on the market can run for as much as five hundred dollars, um especially the full mask L E D treatments. This one is targeted specifically so you can go after those individual pimples instead of doing the treatment on the whole face. It is safe. It doesn’t dry out your skin. One of the things that I really like is it can also help with sebum production, which also leads to acne. Um, it’s a fancy way of saying oil in your skin. But yeah, I wanted to show you guys how to use it. It comes with its own charging cable, a quick start guide which shows you how to use it, and then of course their manual. So I will show you how easy it is to use. So what you are going to want to do, is find the pimple that you want to treat, cover it with the device, turn it on, and then you wait for the full three minute treatment to be up. Now the thing that I really love about this, is it sets off beeps each time a minute in the treatment passes. So one beep means one minute has passed, two beeps means two minutes have passed, and three beeps means that the third and finale minute of treatment is over, and then it turns itself off right after those finale three beeps. So it is super easy to use I feel like, and it only runs for a hundred dollars, which is super affordable. Especially like I said compared to some competitors on the market that do full face masks that can cost like over five hundred dollars. I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford that. (the device beeps three times and turns off) And there you have it. So easy to use, I know I keep saying that. But I was very pleasantly surprised at how user friendly it was. And so the red light and the blue light targets different types of bacteria and it actually penetrates the skin. And helps you fight your acne, and it makes acne disappear a lot quicker. At least from what I’ve tried out with it and in my experience it worked really well. End transcript.]

You can find out more about the Bye Acne Device and the other products (including skincare) by Solawave here.

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